The Bacchae of Euripides

Conceptual Set and Costume Design | 1:25 Model Making

DIRECTOR - Emma Baggott | DESIGNER - Amy Howard | SPACE - Belgrade Theatre Coventry | SUPPORT - Patrick Connellan & Brad Caleb Lee | WRITER - Wole Soyinka | 2020

The set and costume design for the Bacchae, although conceptual, allowed me to gain a stronger understanding of my design process. This was the first set design project I did during Covid so made the process a little harder. Whilst usually I like to create a collage of my ideas physically, (picking out key words from the play and representing them in a collage through imagery) working from home meant that printing was much harder. I experimented with collating all of my ideas digitally. Please find the link to my digital research and project sketchbook at the bottom of this page.

Finished Model

